Laravel 4.1 one-to-one polymorphic relationships

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To use one-to-one polymorphic relationships in Laravel 4.1 use the "morphOne" method in your models.

For example: I have two tables, pages and products. I want to be able to add one featured image to each of these.

The Product model would look like this:

class Product extends Eloquent {
	public function image() {
		return $this->morphOne('FeaturedImage', 'imageable');

The Page model would be:

class Page extends Eloquent {
	public function image() {
		return $this->morphOne('FeaturedImage', 'imageable');

For the FeaturedImage table you would need to columns imageable_id:integer and imageable_type.

Then in your FeaturedImage model you can have:

class FeaturedImage extends Eloquent {
	public function imageable()
			return $this->morphTo();

This will allow you to use polymorphism on one-to-one relationships

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